Galore Park Parent Catalogue 2018
Mathemat ics
A:Carroll diagrams andVenn diagrams
Key words: discrete data, Carroll diagram,Venn diagram, highest common factor, common factor
11+ Mathemat ics Revision Guide
Questions to introduce children to using the skills.
A vital revision guide that covers all the key content for pre-tests and 11+ independent school entrance examinations, including ISEB, CEM, GL and Consortium. ■ Gain practical tips, advice and insights into the exams ■ Plot and track revision with comprehensive progress records ■ Ensure confidence in every topic with end-of-chapter tests
1 ThisVenn diagram shows the numbers of boys in a class who play cricket and tennis in the summer term. (a) How many boys play tennis but not cricket? (b) How many boys play neither tennis nor cricket? (c) How many boys are in the class?
Some not-too-difficult questions for children to examine and understand how they work.
£12.99 9781471849213
2 Look at this set of numbers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (a) Write each number in the correct region of this Carroll diagram. (b) Draw aVenn diagram showing those numbers that
Not odd
Mathemat ics workbooks
are odd and those that are divisible by 3 Write each number in the correct region.
Divisible by 3
Not divisible by 3
Timed questions to see what real exam questions are like. The last one will be difficult, so if your child can do this one, the skill is nearly mastered.
Learn how to apply knowledge in exam-style questions with these write-in workbooks. ■ Hundreds of questions to increase speed and familiarity ■ Perfect for revising in manageable chunks 10-Minute Maths Tests ■ 70 topic tests including 10 mixed topic tests ■ Covers number, calculations, problem-solving, pre-algebra, shape, space and measures, and handling data Mental Arithmetic ■ Extensive practice with 50 tests in each book ■ Covers a full range of mental arithmetic skills that gradually increase in difficulty
3 The table shows the results of a survey about siblings for a group of year 6 pupils.
Number of pupils
Brothers only Sisters only
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Sisters and brothers No brothers or sisters
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
✔ ✔ ✔
(a) Write the results in the correct region of this Carroll diagram. (b) Represent this data in aVenn diagram with two sets: Brothers and Sisters. 4 (a) Write 16 as the product of its prime factors. (b) Write 24 as the product of its prime factors.
No brothers
11+ Mathematics Revision Guide – Chapter 6: Handling data
No sisters
(2) (2) (2) (1) (1)
Test 4
(c) Draw aVenn diagram to represent the information in parts (a) and (b).
(d) What are the shared prime factors of 16 and 24? (e) What is the highest common factor of 16 and 24?
Forallof thequestions in this test,do the calculationentirely inyourheadwithnowritten ‘working’and justwritedown theanswer. 1 Round40800 to thenearest1000 ml 3 Philip andMary share£2 in the ratio3 :2 HowmuchdoesMary get? 4 Harryhas the sixnumber cardsbelow. What is thenumbernearest to1000he can makebyplacing someof the cards sideby side? 5 WhenKirsten thoughtof anumber,added1 and thenmultipliedby3, the resultwas9 WhatnumberdidKirsten thinkof? 6 If a =3, b =2 and c =8,what is the valueof a − b + c ? 7 What is thenextnumber in this sequence? 1,2,4,7,11, 8 Isobelhasapacketof sweets.She shares them withher sister.When theyhaveeacheaten 7 sweets there is1 sweet left. Howmany sweetswere in thepacket at the start? 2 What is60%of40ml? 8 1 9 7 0 3
11 Two anglesof a triangle are40° and70°. What size is the third angle? ° 12 What is the volumeof a cuboidmeasuring 8cmby5cmby4cm? cm³ 13 Afilm started at7.50p.m.and ended at 10.05p.m.How longdid thefilm last? hours minutes 8 6 9 7 6 8 7 6 14 What is themode? 15 What is themedian? 16 What is the range? 17 TheCarrolldiagram shows some information about children in a class. Whatpercentageof the children in the class wear glasses? % Questions14 to16 refer to this listof themarks onepupilgained in8 tests.
Paper 11
10 What is the equationof the line shownon the graph?
Test time:60minutes
Circle the correctanswer foreachquestion.
9781471849213_Ch06.indd 135 1 The attendance at a footballmatch atWembley Stadiumwas given as88000, to the nearest1000 The actual attendancefigure is givenbelow.Whichone is it? (1) (a) 87241 (b) 88748 (c) 88500 (d) 88237 (e) 88501 2 John trainswithhis local running clubon a400m running track.Thisweek Johnneeds to run10km.Howmany lapsof the track is this? (2) (a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 25 (e) 30 3 An alarmflashes intermittently to show that it isworking. Itflashes at08:00 and then at20-second intervals.Howmany timeswill itflashbetween08:00 and10:00? (3) (a) 180 (b) 240 (c) 360 (d) 361 (e) 480 4 A farmer keepspigs and chickens.Hehas32 animals altogether and the animals have a totalof80 legs.Howmany chickensdoes the farmerhave? (5) (a) 16 (b) 18 (c) 8 (d) 14 (e) 24 5 Which shape is in thewrongpartof theCarrolldiagram? (1) (a) Square (b) Rectangle (c) Equilateral triangle (d) Isosceles triangle (e) Kite
5/25/16 8:54PM
2 3 4 5 x
−1 0 −1
(a) y = x +1 (e) y = x −1 11 In a gymnastics club, there are8 girls for every3boys.There are55 children in the club.Howmanyboys are there? (3) (a) 15boys (b) 40boys (c) 11boys (d) 20boys (e) 24boys 12 Whenmakingblackcurrant squash,Margaretmixes1partof the concentratewith 15partsofwater.Howmuch concentratedoes sheuse tomake160 litresof blackcurrant squash? (2) (a) 10 litres (b) 15 litres (c) 18 litres (d) 20 litres (e) 21 litres 13 Whichpercentage is equivalent to the fraction 170 250 ? (2) (a) 17% (b) 34% (c) 42% (d) 68% (e) 85% 14 Whatdoyouneed to add to7.67 tomake34.45? (1) (a) 42.12 (b) 23.48 (c) 27.48 (d) 24.78 (e) 26.78 15 The shape shown ismadeupof3 equilateral triangleson each sideof a square that has sidesof18cm.What is theperimeterof the shape? (2) (a) 144cm (b) 72cm (c) 24cm (d) 108cm (e) 100cm (b) y =2 x +1 (c) y = x −2 (d) y = x −3
Donotwear glasses
Wear glasses
At leastonepairofparallel sides Noparallel sides
11+ Mathemat ics practice papers
Equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle
All sides same length Not all sides same length
18 What is the smallestnumber greater than 100 that isdivisible exactlyby3?
Kite Rectangle
6 Whichoneof these eventswill certainlyhappen? (a) Iwill get somethingwrong tomorrow. (b) Mybrother’s favourite teamwillwin soon.
19 The sum of two integers (whole numbers) is 12 and the difference between the integers is 4 What is theproductof thenumbers? 20 Paigehas24 sweets.Aquarter aremints and a thirdof theothers are toffees.The rest are chocolates. Howmany chocolates are there?
9 Calculate the areaof the rectangle. cm²
Perfect exam technique and build exam-room confidence with our books of maths practice papers. ■ Replicate exam conditions with timed papers in a variety of styles ■ Build skills for top marks with levelled papers ■ Identify weaker areas and improve using detailed answers and commentary
(c) Tuesdaywill followMonday. (d) The totalof twodicewillbe13 (e) Itwill rainduring the summer.
7 What is 3 4
10 What is the readingon the scale?
(a) 76
(b) 69
(c) 72
(d) 78
(e) 63
8 What is89×32?
(a) 2884
(b) 2848
(c) 2448
(d) 2284
(e) 2484
9 What is1376÷16?
(a) 48
(b) 86
(c) 74
(d) 60
(e) 68
Mathematics Workbook Mental Arithmetic Age 8–10 – Test 4
829628_04_Maths_WB_MA_p10.indd 10
13/08/14 3:16PM
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11+ Mathematics Practice Papers 2 – Paper 11
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