Galore Park Parent Catalogue 2018

13+ revision & practice


Useful phrases for introductions

3 Family, friends and pets

Je teprésentema famille Jevousprésentema famille

May I introducemy family (informal) May I introducemy family (formal)



Pleased tomeetyou


This ismydog

Comment t’appelles-tu?


3.1 Meeting people


I’m called…

Comment s’appelle-t-il/elle?

What’shis/hername? He/She is called… How are you? (formal)


Il/elle s’appelle… Commentallez-vous?

french for Common Entrance 13+ Revision Guide


lesgens (m.) lapersonne

people person



I’mwell thank you

l’enfant (m.and f.) child

Çava? Çava Et toi?

How are you? (informal)

troispersonnes l’homme (m.)

threepeople le/lacamarade

friend friend


l’ami(e) lecopain lacopine


What about you?



friend (m.) friend (f.)

ladame la femme

Useful phrases for arranging to meet friends


woman,wife lecorrespondant

penfriend (m.)


Where shallwemeet? Let’smeet at the stadium

un(e)adolescent(e) teenager

lacorrespondante penfriend (f.)

Rendez-vousau stade Rendez-vousà lapiscine Rendez-vousdevant lagare

This comprehensive revision guide is essential reading for any children approaching the French ISEB Common Entrance exam at 13+ at Level 1 or 2. ■ Consolidates all the key information and skills required for Common Entrance, across reading, writing, speaking and listening ■ Arranged by topic for focused revision, with Level 2-only content clearly marked ■ Includes an invaluable grammar section with easily digestible verb tables and diagrams

Some useful verbs

Let’smeet at the swimmingpool Let’smeetoutside the station




see you tomorrow see youon Sunday

se rencontrer se retrouver

tomeetupwithone another tomeetupwithone another tohave fun,enjoyoneself



Exam-stylequestions Try these sample exam-stylequestions for yourself.Answers are given at theback of thebook. Speaking Role-playpractice Lookat the sectionon theSpeakingpaper in the Introduction forhelpwith role-plays. 3.1 Yourpenfriend’s family come to visityou.Try to say the following in French: (a) Sayhello to yourpenfriend’sparents. (b) Ask themhow they are. (c) Tell them that you arewell. (d) Say that youwould like to introduce your family. (e) Introduce your cat. 3.2 Your friend Julie calls youonyourmobile.Try to say the following in French: (a) Sayhello. (b) Say you arefine and askhow she is. (c) Your friend asks tomeetup so askwhere. (d) Disagree and suggest youmeet in frontof the railway station. (e) Say that youwill seeher tomorrow. (f) Wishher goodnight.


to getonwith someone

Useful phrases for greeting people

Bonjour* Bonsoir* Bonnenuit

Hello,goodmorning,good afternoon

Good evening

Goodnight Hi/Cheerio

£16.99 9781471853418


*Note that ifyoumeet amanor ladyyouwill probably just say ‘Good morning’or ‘Hello’,but in French you should say BonjourMonsieur or BonjourMadame .


Hello (onlywhen answering the telephone)

Au revoir


Bonne journée Bonne soirée

Have a goodday

Have a good evening


See you soon



French for Common Entrance 13+ Revision Guide – Chapter 3: Family, friends and pets

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french for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Questions

3 Reading

Exercise 7.3 Au téléphone Listen to the audio track and then answer thequestions in English. 1 Where is Sylvie? 2 Whatdoeshermother say aboutwhen shewillbeback? 3 Whatmessagedoes Julien leave forher? 4 When can Sylvie ringhim? 5 Whywillhebe athome at that time?


Perfect exam technique with reading and writing questions modelled on the style of the 13+ Common Entrance exam. ■ Puts all the knowledge learned from the revision guide to the test ■ Build exam-room confidence in reading, writing, speaking and listening ■ Identify gaps in knowledge

How the exam operates Instructions will be given in English. There will be 25 questions on a number of short passages, arranged in 5 sections. There will be several exercises of differing lengths, covering a range of different approaches to the development of reading skills, for example gap-filling, multiple choice, matching headlines to texts, matching pictures to descriptions, matching two halves of a sentence, matching questions and answers, matching people and opinions, choosing a number of correct answers. Exercise 8.1 Michel is talking about a typicalday.Copy thepassage and choose aword from the optionsbelow tofill each gap,as in the example: fort maison prof m’appelle anglais latin forte travailler route voiture mange suis sciences matin vélo fenêtre Bon,normalement, le jevaisà l’écoleen avecpapa. Il conduitassezvite. Ilabeaucoupde à faire,etonquitte toujours la en retard.Aucollègecetteannée je suisen sixième,donconadeux heuresd’ par semaine. Moi j’aimeça,car je suis en langues.Lemardionacinqcours, dontmaths,chimie,anglais, ethistoire-géo. On assezbienà lacantine, ilya toujoursquelquechoseque j’aimeetonpeutchoisir.Mon de latinest trèsaimable,mais je n’aimepasmonprofdemusique: ilnous fait ! Exercise 8.2 Read the following text,and answer thequestions that follow. Marianne EnFrancepresque tous lesécoliers sontexternes. Ilsarriventà l’école lematin,et rentrentà lamaison tous les soirs.Moi, je suisdonc exceptionnelle! Je suispensionnaireparcequemonpèreestmilitaire, alorsnouschangeonsdedomicile tous lesdeuxans.Quandmonpère revientaprèsuneabsencedequelquesmois,on fête sonarrivée! Magali Aucollège, je suisunpeu triste leweek-end,carnousne sommespas nombreusesdans lepensionnat,mais les surveillantesqui restentpour nousgarder sont trèsgentilles.Onn’apas ledroitde sortirenville le week-end,maison s’amuseassezbienentrenous. Je m’appelle Michel. J’ai treizeans.

Exercise 7.4 Une Française à Londres Listen to the audio track and then answer thequestions in English.


1 What is the girl’sfirstquestion? 2 Whatdoes theboynot know? 3 Whatdoeshe know? 4 Give theprecisedirections that theboy givesher.

Girl Non, jenecroispas. Il faut laisserunpourboire. Boy Tuasde lamonnaie? Girl Attends, jevaisvoir. Boy Oh regarde!C’estmarqué «servicecompris». Girl Tantmieux. 1 Thegirl isabout toask for thebill. 2 Theydiscusswhetherservice is included in thebill.Theyfind that it is. Exercise 7.6 On choisit un cadeau

3 Reading

£15.99 9781471853425

Exercise 7.5 Au restaurant Listen to the audio track and then answer thequestions in English. 1 Whatdoes the girl say she is about todo? 2 Whatdo theydiscuss andwhat is theoutcome? Exercise 7.6 On choisit un cadeau Listen to the audio track and then answer thequestions in English. 1 Whyhas theboy come into the shop? 2 What is thefirst itemhe looks at? 3 Whydoesheparticularly like it? 4 Howmuch is it? 5 Why is it so expensive? 6 Howmuchdoeshepay for the itemhefinally chooses?


The following are the answers for each exercise. Candidates are awarded one mark for each correct answer.

Accompanying audio available with the purchase of this book


Exercise 8.1 Bon,normalement, le matin jevaisà l’écoleen voiture avecpapa. Ilconduitassezvite. Ila beaucoupde route à faire,etonquitte toujours la maison en retard.Aucollègecetteannée je suisen sixième,donconadeuxheuresd’ anglais par semaine. Moi j’aimeça,car je suis fort en langues.Lemardionacinqcours,dontmaths,chimie, anglais, latin ethistoire-géo. On mange assezbienà lacantine,ilya toujoursquelquechoseque j’aimeetonpeutchoisir. Mon prof de latinest trèsaimable,mais jen’aimepasmonprofdemusique:ilnous fait travailler !

Girl Jepeuxvousaider? Boy Oui, jechercheuncadeaupourmamèr . Girl Qu’est-cequevousvoulez luioffrir? Boy Jene saispas. Jen’aipasbeaucoupd’argent. Girl Un foulardpeut-être?

Exercise 8.2

french for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Answers

Boy Jepeuxvoir le foulardbleu là-bas? Girl Oui,bien sûr. Ilest joli,n’est-cepas? Boy Oui,etenplusmamèreadore lebleu.C’estcombien? Girl Cinquanteeuros.C’esten soie. Boy C’estunpeucher.Vousavezquelquechosedemoischer? Girl Celui-cipeut-être? Ilcoûtevingt-cinqeuros. Boy Parfait. Je leprends. 1 Theboy is looking forapresent forhismother. 2 Theboyfirst looksatabluescarf.

1 Patrick 2 Stéphane 3 Patrick 4 Magali 5 Marianne

6 Marianne 7 Patrick 8 Patrick 9 Magali 10 Stéphane

Exercise 8.3

■ Clean, clear layout for easy marking ■ Provides all answers and marking guidance to help your child achieve top marks



1 (d) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (f) 5 (e)

9/23/15 9:29PM 3 Hismother lovesblue. 4 Thescarfcosts50euros.

French for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Questions - Chapter 3: Reading

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5 It isexpensivebecause it ismadeofsilk. 6 Theboypays25euros foranotherscarf.

Exercise 8.4 D’habitude,je passe leweek-endà fairedesactivitéssportivesenpleinair.Quand il faitbeau,je déteste rester à l’intérieur.Je joue souvent avecmesdeux petits frères,quiontsixetquatreans. S’ilpleuton faitdes jeux de sociétéouon regardeunDVDdans le salon . Je suis fanatiquede dessinsanimés:monpèremeditque je suis toujoursunbébémaisçam’estégal! Quelquefois j’aidemamèreàpréparer ledéjeuner.Ellene refuse jamais uncoupdemain, parcequ’ilya toujoursbeaucoupde monde à table ledimanche.Mescousinshabitent tout près et ilsviennentmangercheznous.Onvachez eux le samedi soir.

£13.99 9781471853432



French for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Answers - Chapter 3: Reading

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