Galore Park Parent Catalogue 2018
13+ revision & practice
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Lat in for Common Entrance 13+ Revision Guide
In theperfect tenseof eo , the forms ivi, ivisti, ivit, ivimus, ivistis, iverunt are also found,but these aremore rare. The verb eo isoften found in compounds,which go exactly as eo ,butwith aprefix such as in or ex .
Examples exeo,exire,exii,exitum = I goout ineo, inire, inii, initum = I go in pereo,perire,perii,peritum = Iperish transeo, transire, transii, transitum = I cross
8.1 More irregular verbs: possum and eo
A few verbs in Latin are irregular, and have to be revised carefully. The verb sum is one; here are two more.
Updated for the latest ISEB Classics syllabus, this indispensable revision guide covers everything children need to know at all three levels of the 13+ Common Entrance exam. ■ Consolidates all the necessary grammar into one essential book ■ Clear and methodical explanations of each topic, followed by questions to ensure children have understood what they’ve learned ■ Includes both linguistic and non-linguistic sections for full coverage and confidence
possum,posse,potui = Iamable
eo, ire, ii (or ivi ), itum = Igo
Theverb possum isalmostalwaysusedwithan infinitive,sobe sure to lookout for it.
potes potest
e.g. Marcus scriberepotest. =Marcus is able towrite .
possumus potestis possunt potero poteris poterit poteritis poterunt poteram poteras poterat poterimus poteramus
feminaemulta templaviderepoterant. =Thewomenwere able tosee many temples.
eunt ibo ibis ibit ibitis ibunt ibam ibimus
Exam-stylequestions 8.1 Translate into English:
(a) Romanihostesvincerenonpoterant.
(b) GraeciTroianos superare sineauxiliodeorumnonpossunt.
(c) milites transmontes inpatriam redierunt.
ibas ibat
£16.99 9781471853449
(d) ancillae in templumcumdomino inibunt.
(e) incolaeexoppidoeffugerenonpotuerant.
8.2 Answer the following: (a) In sentence8.1 (a)above,whichpartofwhichverb is poterant ?Put
poteratis poterant
ibatis ibant
thisverb into the future tense,keeping thepersonandnumber the same. (3) (b) In sentence8.1 (b) above,writedown and translate an infinitive. (2) (c) In sentence8.1 (c) above, inwhich case is montes ,andwhy? (2) (d) In sentence8.1 (d) above, fromwhich verbdoes inibunt come? What is this verb’spresent infinitive? (2) (e) In sentence8.1 (e) above,give the tenseof potuerant .What change would youhave tomake to potuerant if youwished towrite hewillbe able ? (2) Totalmarks:35
potuimus potuistis potuerunt potueram potueras potuerat
Lat in for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Questions
ierunt ieram
ieras ierat
potueramus potueratis
8.2 More questions: nonne and num
ieratis ierant
Sometimes when we ask a question we expect either the answer yes, or the answer no. To do this in Latin, we use nonne or num .
These sets of exam-style questions provide a wealth of practice for each level of the exam to build confidence and perfect technique. ■ Individual books ensure practice is extensive and focused at the level your child will face ■ Covers translation, grammar and vocabulary – every type of question they will face in the real exam ■ Includes complete vocabulary lists for every level to serve as a checklist for children
Expecting the answer yes: nonne ? Expecting the answer no: num ?
Latin for Common Entrance 13+ Revision Guide – Chapter 8
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£15.99 9781471853470
£15.99 9781471853456
➜ The pluperfect tense
Thepluperfect tense
Exercise 12.3 Translate the following into Latin: 1 Hehad loved.
11 Shehad slept. 12 Hehadpunished. 13 You (sing.)hadplayed. 14 Hehad given. 15 Theyhad laughed. 16 Wehad fought. 17 Theyhaddeparted. 18 Ihad read. 19 Wehaddestroyed. 20 Hehadwalked. 1 mark for each question. Total: 20
Exercise 12.1 Translate the followingpassage. Linenumbers are givenon the left.Newwords are underlined in the text and theirmeanings given in themargin. Achilles and Hector
2 Theyhad carried. 3 Wehad stayed. 4 Ihad seen. 5 You (sing.)had sent. 6 Theyhadput. 7 Wehadmade. 8 You (pl.)had taken. 9 Theyhadheard. 10 Ihad come.
oppugnaverant =hadattacked occupaverant = theyhadseized vicerant = theyhad conquered castra,-orum, posuerant = theyhadpitched poterant = theywereable omnes =all iratissimus,-a,-um =veryangry laetissimus,-a,-um = very happy Priamus =Priam (aname) liberi,-orum, children fortis,-is,-e =brave nemo =noone fortior =braver aut =or clarior =more famous quam = than virtus,virtutis, f.=courage pro+ abl.= for fortissimus,-a,-um = the bravest Patroclum =Patroclus (aname) occiderat =had killed Total: 85
1 GraeciTroiamoppugnaverant.urbemTroiam tamennon statimoccupaverant.Troianosnon vicerant.propeurbemTroiam igiturcastra posuerant. 5 diucopiaeGraecorummurosTroiae oppugnabant.eos tamendelerenonpoterant. omnesGraeci igitur iratissimi,Troiani laetissimierant. Priamus rexTroiaeerat.multos liberos fortes 10 habebat.nemoautem fortiorautclariorquam Troianis fortiterpugnabat. interGraecosquoqueerantmultimilites fortes.Achillesautem fortissimuserat. 15 Achillesamicum,Patroclumnomine,habebat. quodHectorPatroclum inproelioocciderat, Achilles iratissimuserat.
£15.99 9781471853494
17 discesserant . 18 legeram .
19 deleveramus . 20 ambulaverat .
1mark for eachquestion.Total:20
Exercise 12.4 Translate the following into Latin: 1 Theyhadmade. 2 Hehad seen. 3 You (sing.)haddestroyed. 4 Wehadput. 5 Ihad laughed.
Exercise 12.4
6 You (pl.)hadpunished. 7 Hehadmade. 8 Shehad sent. 9 Wehad come. 10 Theyhad taken. 1 mark for each question. Total: 10
1 fecerant . 2 viderat . 3 deleveras . 4 posueramus . 5 riseram .
6 puniveratis . 7 fecerat . 8 miserat . 9 veneramus . 10 ceperant .
Lat in for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Answers
Exercise 12.5 Translate the following into English: 1 amaveramus . Exercise 12.1 TheGreekshad attackedTroy. (3) However, theyhadnot seized the cityofTroy immediately. (6) Theyhadnot conquered theTrojans. (3) Theyhad thereforepitched campnear the cityofTroy. (6) For a long time the forcesof theGreekswere attacking thewallsofTroy. (6) However, theywere not able todestroy them. (5) All theGreeks thereforewere very angry, theTrojans veryhappy. (7) Priamwas the kingofTroy. (4) Hehadmanybrave children. (4) Noone,however,wasbraverormore famous thanHector. (8) Hewasamanofgreat courage. (4) Heused tofightbravely for theTrojans. (4) Among theGreeks also thereweremanybrave soldiers. (7) Achilles,however,was thebravest. (4) Achilleshad a friendnamed Patroclus. (5) BecauseHectorhad killed Patroclus inbattle,Achilles was very angry. (9) Total:85 (1) (1) (1)
Exercise 12.2
1mark for eachquestion.Total:10
1 From thepassage give, in Latin,one exampleof eachof the following: (a) an adverb.
Exercise 12.5
■ Comprehensive answers and suggested mark schemes for every exercise ■ Ideal for perfecting exam technique with full model answers ■ Contains both the Latin and English translations to save you time marking work
1 Wehad loved. 2 Theyhad taken. 3 Youhadheard. 4 Hehad ruled. 5 Ihad given.
6 Hehad led. 7 Wehadmoved.
6 duxerat. 7 moveramus. 8 terruerat. 9 responderant. 10 miseram. 1 mark for each question. Total: 10 (1)
(b) apreposition.
(c) an infinitive.
2 ceperant. 3 audiveras. 4 rexerat. 5 dederam.
8 Hehad frightened. 9 Theyhad answered. 10 Ihad sent.
2 oppugnaverant (line1).Give the Latin subject and the Latin objectof this verb. (2) 3 erant (line8).Give the1stperson singularof thepresent tenseof this verb. (1) 4 Troiae (line9). Inwhich case is thisnoun? (1) 5 habebat (line10).Give theperson,number and tenseof this verb. (3) Total: 10
Exercise 12.2
1 (a) non/statim/diu/fortiter.
1mark for eachquestion.Total:10
£13.99 9781471853487
£13.99 9781471853463
(b) prope/pro/inter/in.
Exercise 12.6
(c) delere.
2 Subject: Graeci .
Object: Troiam .
65 1 Hehadput. 2 Theyhad run. 3 Youhaddeparted. 4 Ihad read. 5 Wehad slept. 25/08/15 5:39 pm
6 Wehadwalked. 7 Hehadfled. 8 Youhadmade. 9 Wehad laughed. 10 Youhaddestroyed.
3 sum.
4 Genitive.
5 3rdperson
(3) Total:10
Latin for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Questions – Chapter 12
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Exercise 12.3
1mark for eachquestion.Total:10
Exercise 12.7
1 amaverat . 2 portaverant . 3 manseramus . 4 videram . 5 miseras . 6 posuerant . 7 feceramus . 8 ceperatis .
9 audiverant . 10 veneram . 11 dormiverat . 12 puniverat .
1 Wehad stayed. 2 Theyhad seen. 3 Hehad fought. 4 Theyhad entered. 5 Hehad taken.
6 Youhadwarned. 7 Hehaddrunk. 8 Hehad said. 9 Wehadplayed. 10 Youhad killed.
13 luseras . 14 dederat . 15 riserant . 16 pugnaveramus .
1mark for eachquestion.Total:10
£13.99 9781471853500
Latin for Common Entrance 13+ Exam Practice Answers – Chapter 12
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2 6
2 7
Te l : 0 2 0 3 1 2 2 6 4 0 5 I V i s i t : g a l o r e p a r k . c o . u k
Te l : 0 2 0 3 1 2 2 6 4 0 5 I V i s i t : g a l o r e p a r k . c o . u k
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