Galore Park Parent Catalogue 2018
Exam Papers
what exam papers are available to order?
The final stage of any revision journey is to practise with real past papers.
Common Academic Scholarship Exam
11+ Common Entrance
13+ Common Entrance
Write an essayusingONEof the following titles. Eachone isworth 25marks.
3. Complete themultiplication table below.
Common Entrance papers for 11+, 13+ and Common Academic Scholarship Exams are written by ISEB subject editors and are taken by children in Year 6 or Year 8 who are applying for entry to senior independent schools. One year after these exams have been sat, the papers become available for parents and tutors to purchase. Galore Park is the exclusive distributor of ISEB exam papers . These past papers provide the best and most targeted preparation for children looking to secure a place at their chosen school.
1. TakingCare ofTeachers
7 LookagainattheO.S.mapofCockermouthinCumbria ,locatedontheborderof theLakeDistrictNationalPark. InNovember2009,thisareawasbadlyaffectedbyfloodingafterthehighestever rainfallrecordedintheUKina24-hourperiod.
2. ‘Earlymorning – great!’
3. Study the following passage (do not write a translation) and answer the questions below.Complete sentences are not required. Proserpina andCeres reacha compromisewithPluto.
‘Earlymorning – pull up the duvet!’ Write an essay entitled either Dawn –Here ICome or I Love Laziness 3. Shopping isBritain’smost popular hobby. Do you enjoy it? Tell a story orwrite a descriptionwith the title Shopping .
1 tandemCeres filiam suam invenit. Proserpina sub terra cum Plutone diu fuerat, et nullum cibum consumpserat. Pluto, quod eam ducere cupiebat, Proserpinae dixit: ‘si tumihi 5 nubes,sexannimenseshicsub terramanebis, sex annimenses super terram cummatre ire poteris.’ omnes hoc facere constituerunt, et laetissimi erant.
Classical Greek
duco (3)= Imarry nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptum (+ dative) (3)= Imarry annus, -im.= year mensis, -ism.=month
4. Your parents, or you,might be very good at complaining. Write about it, using the title HowToComplain .
Cockermouth Cockermouth
4. Peter has these number cards face down on a table:
5. Picture books, or books read to youwhen youwere young, can remain powerfully in yourmind. Do you have a book like this? Write about its power, using the title andauthoras the heading for yourwork.
(a) From thepassage, give, in Latin,one example of each of the following: (i) an adverb;
3 5 7 9
English (Levels 1–2 for 13+)
.......................................................................................................................... (1)
6. Write an essay based in anyway you choose on the picture opposite. It showsStGeorge killing the dragon and rescuing the princess.
(b) Usingevidencefromanyofthemaps,givetworeasonswhyCockermouthwasso badlyfloodedfollowingtheheavyrainfall.
(ii) a cardinal number; .......................................................................................................................... (1) (iii) a verb in the future tense; .......................................................................................................................... (1) (iv) a present infinitive. .......................................................................................................................... (1) (b) fuerat (line 2).Give the first person singularof the present tenseof this verb. ................................................................................................................................. (1) (c) dixit (line 4).Give the Latin subjectof this verb. ................................................................................................................................. (1)
Peter selects a card at random. On the scale below,mark the probabilities of the following eventswith the letters shown. A Peter selects a cardwith the number 7 on it B the number on the cardPeter selects is less than 6 C Peter selects a cardwith the number 4 on it D the number on the cardPeter selects is a factor of 30
1:.............................................................................................................................. 1: .............................................................................................................................. 2:.............................................................................................................................. 2: .............................................................................................................................. (4)
French (Levels 1–2 for 13+)
(c) Usinganexampleyouhavestudied,explaintheeffectsofyourchosenfloodon thelocalenvironmentandpeople.
S.A. 281151 03 Placeandyearofflood:.......................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. (3) impossible
even chance
S.A.281152 02
S.A.283133 33
S.A. 283141 48
Latin (Levels 1–3 for 13+)
Ordering exam papers online
Mathematics (Levels 1–3 for 13+)
Religious Studies (Syllabuses A and B for 13+)
■ Visit
Science (Levels 1–2 for 13+)
■ Scroll down and select the exam type you require (11+, 13+ or CASE)
Spanish (Levels 1–2 for 13+)
■ Click on the subject you would like to order – this will open to show a list of all of the exam papers that are available to purchase. There are up to 3 exam sittings per year, depending on the exam level.
What level and syllabus will my child be sitting? If you are unsure which level exam your child will be sitting, or in the case of Religious Studies, which syllabus your child will be sitting, please contact your child’s current school and the senior school for which they are applying.
■ Select the papers and quantities you would like to purchase.
■ Click ‘Add exam papers to basket’ at the bottom of the screen
When will my order arrive? Please allow five working days for your order to arrive. As exam papers are printed on demand, we are unable to offer express delivery.
For further information, including guidance on choosing the right exam papers for your child and for a contents list of each exam pack, please visit
Look i ng for more i n format i on about your ch i l d’s exams? Check out over v i ews of each exam i n our f ree resource The Parent Gu i de . theparentguide
Ordering exam papers by telephone
■ Please contact our helpful Customer Services Team on 020 3122 6405
Please note: All exam papers are printed on demand and therefore non-refundable. A £5 handling charge applies every time you place an order for exam papers, although there is no limit to the number of exam papers you can order at one time.
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Te l : 0 2 0 3 1 2 2 6 4 0 5 I V i s i t : g a l o r e p a r k . c o . u k
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